In Memory of





Condolence From: Robert Lodge
Condolence: Jerry and Family, My Heartfelt Sympathy at Dianne's passing. Her tremendous talent and personality will be missed. You are all in my thoughts!
Friday March 27, 2015
Condolence From: Allan and Lynn Miller
Condolence: Our deepest condolences on your loved ones passing.
Wednesday March 25, 2015
Condolence From: Donna Reid
Condolence: I was so sorry to hear of Diane's passing, I got to know her over the past several years through painting classes. She was a great inspiration to me and thought me so much , not only about painting but also about life in general. She will be greatly missed, please accept my deepest condolences ..
Tuesday March 24, 2015
Condolence From: Monica Bishop
Condolence: It is with a sad heart that I sent this message to you Jerry and your family. My thoughts are with you all. She will be remembered by me for the fun times we had in Beta Sigma Phi and planning the many get togethers we had - such as the Luau Party. You lost a wonderful wife and the kids lost a wonderful mother. God Bless you all.
Tuesday March 24, 2015
Condolence From: Yvonne Godfrey
Condolence: Gerry, Sean, Damien and Erin. Robyn, Dianne and I send our most sincere condolences. Our families had any good times together. although we have not had a lot of contact in recent yers,remembering those good times at Grand Falls,Trinity and Badger Lake gives me much comfort. My thoughts and prayers are with you all today and in the future. Love, Yvonne
Tuesday March 24, 2015
Condolence From: Oula Maguire
Condolence: Dear Gerry and family, I was shocked and deeply saddened when Angie Bowes told me the very sad news of Dianna's recent death.Please accept my very deepest sympathy,and may God comfort and console you all in this time of grief and loneliness.You are all in my thoughts and prayers.and may dear Dianna rest in peace.God Bless.Oula
Tuesday March 24, 2015
Condolence From: Bill Butler
Condolence: Gerry: Sorry for your loss and hope she didn't suffer? Remembering the old days. God bless.
Monday March 23, 2015
Condolence From: Bob Aitken
Condolence: Jerry, Sean, Damien, Erin & families: I was shocked and saddened to hear of Diane's passing. Diane occupied a huge segment of my life during the past 10 or more years. I truly admired her as an artist and art teacher (First class) and enjoyed my sessions with her to the fullest. I do admit, however, that I had to turn off my hearing aids at times when the ladies started talking about quilting and other crafty things. I will miss those Wednesday sessions tremendously. You have lost a wonderful wife, mother and grandmother. I have lost a great friend and mentor.
Monday March 23, 2015
Condolence From: Dora Riff
Condolence: Please accept my deepest sympathy in these painful times. Dianne was a sweet lady; gentle and generous to a fault and blessed with a great sense of humour. I consider myself fortunate to have known her as a friend and treasure the pleasurable times shared together while I lived in GrandFalls
Monday March 23, 2015
Condolence From: Cind & Craig Bugden
Condolence: Gerry & Family, So sorry to hear about Dianne's passing--she was a special woman whose talents and laughter touched many people. Craig often talks about Chris Peet's painting classes they took together with Dianne laughing so hard, tears ran down her face. She will be remembered fondly. Cindy & Craig
Monday March 23, 2015
Condolence From: Edna & Ivan Osmond
Condolence: Gerry: So sorry to hear of Dianne's passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this times. I have so many good memories of Dianne and our time together when we were both in Beta Sigma Phi and our years together at Romoli. She will be missed! Edna and Ivan
Monday March 23, 2015
Condolence From: Rev. George & Kathleen Critchell
Condolence: Gerry , our most sincere condolences on the passing of Dianne. Although we have not spent any time together in a lot of years , you have always been on our minds. Edna Osmond informed us of your loss and we are so sorry to hear it. My mind goes back to PAB in the years before you were married and you always went into hibernation any time Dianne came for a visit. May God be with you at this most difficult time . Maybe some day we will meet again for a chat.
Monday March 23, 2015
Condolence From: Jennifer Sampson
Condolence: Thinking of all of you during this difficult time. Most of my childhood memories include Mrs. McFarlane. I have wonderful memories of her and will never foget her warmth, talent and love. She was very special to so many. Wishing I could be there. just brought up some old Figure Skating dresses..of course all made by Mrs. McFarlane and all soo beautiful..I think of her everytime I see them! :) lots of hugs. Jennifer, Alex and Matthew
Monday March 23, 2015
Condolence From: Angie Bowes
Condolence: To Dianne's Family & Friends, Sorry that I can't be there today, but illness and prior appointments have prevented it. I had the privilege of spending some moments with Dianne early in her treatments where we shared some of the things going on in our lives; I'll call them girlie evenings. She was a very brave soul as most of you know; she faced adversity head on. She hoped to have five more years and she was going to do her best to get those years. She talked about her family, and when one of them called, her eyes would light up while she said the Dianne “hellooo”, so gently no matter what she was doing. She talked about her happy marriage to Gerry & how much they liked putting their own time into their "cottage"...we wouldn't dare say "cabin". She would have Gerry pushing her around after her treatments going to various places picking out lighting and things for the cottage that she was so excited about. She couldn't wait to go home to see Sean and his family before he left for Alberta. She was so happy that Damian moved back to the east coast with his family, because they would be closer to GFW and able to come sit with her during her future treatments there. She talked about Erin & her husband "who is a great chef", and their special daughter, Enya, for whom she knit a beautiful cardigan even while undergoing her treatments. She dearly loved all her grandchildren, some of whom are already showing their own talents. Dianne was a great art teacher. We had a lot of laughs in her classes. If a student made a mistake in class, I would always say, “Don't worry, Miss can fix anything!” There were many "faux pas" such as watermarks & blobs of paint in the wrong places, but Dianne could always correct it. She was so talented in every media; rug-hooking, quilting, smocking, sewing, decorating, soap-making, candle-making and cooking. Who amongst us will ever forget the delicious salads, quiches & desserts she made for our annual Christmas Party? Dianne made a success of anything she put her hands to. She was probably the most artistic & talented individual I will ever meet. I can say this much about Dianne's passing, she passed away still having visions of fulfilling all her hopes & dreams. Gerry and her family will see that through, I'm sure, and she will be there with her guiding hand. Thank you, Diane, for the privilege of knowing you. Angie Bowes
Monday March 23, 2015
Condolence From: Jo-Anne King
Condolence: The McFarlane family - I am so sorry to hear of Dianne’s passing. I will always remember her as my talented, patient art instructor. Please accept my deepest condolences.
Monday March 23, 2015
Condolence From: Anne Molloy
Condolence: Dear Gerry, Sean, Damian and Erin, I was devastated to learn of Dianne's death. As an adolescent (living across the street), I thought Dianne was beautiful and exotic. As a teenager, I baby sit for Sean and Damian, and thought Dianne was the perfect, loving mother. As an adult, getting to know Dianne as a person, I realized she was beautiful, exotic, a perfect and loving mother and wife, and an extraordinarily creative and compassionate human being. I treasure the time I had with her, and the few paintings of hers that I have. May you find solace in the knowledge that she loved each of you so deeply, to the depth of her being, and she will never be far from you. Much love, Anne Molloy
Sunday March 22, 2015
Condolence From: Cliff & Hazel Feener and Family
Condolence: We are very sorry to hear about Mrs. McFarlane's passing. Please know we are thinking of you all during this difficult time.
Saturday March 21, 2015
Condolence From: Liz MacInnis Jansen
Condolence: VGH 66A classmate Marilyn and I were together when we received the news about dear Dianne. So shocked. So sad. When living in the nurses residence years ago, Dianne's door was always open for a chat. She was our resident hair dresser (she cut my hair several times). Dianne also loaned me her red velvet ballgown for a special dance (I was so grateful!). We will forever miss our beautiful, talented Dianne. Sincere condolences to all.
Saturday March 21, 2015
Condolence From: Sarah Dianne & Clint
Condolence: I will only see you in pictures now, i wish i could be there to send you off, but Auntie Dianne u will be always with me, in my art, in my mind and in my heart... i love you forever and always xo heart emoticon
Saturday March 21, 2015
Condolence From: joan salter
Condolence: I am so saddened to hear of Dianne,s passing.We were classmates and we worked togather at Colchester hospital,she was so much fun and I got to know some of her family here in Truro.Such a loss. Sincere condolences to the family, she was a great lady and will be missed. Blessings.
Friday March 20, 2015
Condolence From: Marilyn McKim Euesden
Condolence: I am so sad to have lost a wonderful classmate. Am so pleased to own 2 of her beautiful paintings. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with her Family. She will be missed.
Friday March 20, 2015
Condolence From: Sheila and Bill Burke
Condolence: Gerry and family: So sad and surprised to hear of Dianne's passing. Those of us who knew her well realized how ill she was but certainly didn't expect such suddenness. Even though we are not at home, our prayers and thoughts are with you at this very difficult time in your lives. We will all miss her dearly. Sincere condolences, Sheila & Bill Burke
Friday March 20, 2015
Condolence From: Wilson & Lorraine Noble
Condolence: Gerry, it has been a long time from our time living next door to each other as newly weds in Terrace Apts. Sorry to hear of Diane's passing. While we know, intellectually that it is part of life, it is never easy. May the Lord give you, and all your family, all the grace you will need during this difficult time. Blessings, Wilson & Lorraine
Friday March 20, 2015
Condolence From: Lisa Hawkins Myers
Condolence: Mr. McFarlane, Sean, Damien, and Erin, words cannot express the sadness I feel learning of Mrs. McFarlane's passing. I have wonderful memories of her and the time I spent with her. She always welcomed me into your home and I felt the overwhelming love she had for you all. The days ahead will be difficult but know that she is in no more pain and she will certainly live in your hearts forever. Remember all of the wonderful times that you have spent together and that will help you through the pain. Although it has been several years since I have seen her, I would think of her often. Know that she is with the angels in Heaven watching over all of you.
Friday March 20, 2015
Condolence From: Peggy Molloy
Condolence: Dear Gerry, Sean, Damien and Erin, I am so deeply saddened at the loss of Dianne. She was the embodiment of everything beautiful about maternal love and devotion. I have the most vivid and fondest of memories of her and all of you. My thoughts and love are with you at this difficult time. Peggy Molloy
Thursday March 19, 2015
Condolence From: Maureen (Molloy) Psutka
Condolence: Dr McFarlane Sean Damien Erin and families, I was shocked and saddened to hear of Dianne's passing. Your home and family played a major role in my life as a teenager and I will treasure my memories of Dianne forever. May your memories help sustain you during this difficult time. I will remember her as a loving wife and mother and a wonderful neighbor and friend. Sincere condolences, Maureen ( and mom Geraldine)
Thursday March 19, 2015
Condolence From: Michael Molloy
Condolence: Shocked, and so sorry for your loss. Many happy memories of life on Poplar Road when we were growing up. Sincerest condolences from Michael, Kathy, Erin and Leslie Molloy, Saint John, New Brunswick.
Thursday March 19, 2015
Condolence From: Fred and Cathy O'Dell
Condolence: My husband Fred was lucky enough to be enrolled in Mrs. McFarlane's painting class! She was such a gentle woman and her paintings were of excellence! She will live on through her paintings! God bless her family! Fred and Cathy O'Dell
Thursday March 19, 2015
Condolence From: Wanda and Rick Marsh
Condolence: To the McFarlane family, Words can not express how sad I am for your loss. I was one of the lucky people who took art classes with Dianne. She was an extremely talented, patient, careing and loving person. She always had a smile that made you feel good about yourself or what you were doing. I had a visit with her while she was in hospital and as usual she was upbeat and we had a great chat to catch up on our lives. She was so proud of her family, they were always first in her life. The world will miss her.
Thursday March 19, 2015
Condolence From: Cheryl
Condolence: It was a great pleasure to have known Dianne. She was a beautiful person on the inside and out.I will cherish everyone of my paintings that have her special touch.
Thursday March 19, 2015