
Elias Antle
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Central Funeral and Cremation Services
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Condolence From: Cynthia Hennessey-Lewis
Condolence: Pat, Angela, Maddy and Bernie and families,

I was so saddened to her of Mr. Antle's passing. I spent many days at the house on the heights when Angela and I were kids and Mr. Antle always put up with our nonsense. I never really knew him, only to know that he worked hard to provide for his family and was a quiet and constant person in their lives. The Antles always welcomed me into their home and Pat chauferred us girls around for years! I know that Mr. Antle cherished his family and will be missed by all that knew him. Please take care and know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers. XXOO Cynthia & Sean Lewis
Friday April 22, 2011
Condolence From: Judy and Leo Tulk
Condolence: Hello Pat and all the Family. Our thoughts are with you during this difficult time. Please remember where we live and our door is always open. I'd love for us to get together and reminisce about all the good times we have had in the past. Remember the camping days in the park on the Gander Bay road and all the visits Aunt Minni made to Gander and stayed with us. I could go on and on. Pat, the only thing that will heal your grief is time. I know that you have lots of support from your family and friends and that is wonderful but when you are ready please get in touch.
With deepest sympathy from Judy and Leo in Traytown.
Saturday April 16, 2011
Condolence From: Philomena HEARTY (MOORE)
Condolence: Condolences to the family from an old friend in Turk's Cove. Was sad to hear of Elias' passing. God bless. Philomena Hearty(Moore)
Friday April 15, 2011
Condolence From: Tara, Sheldon, Elia and Quyhn
Condolence: We are thinking of you at this difficult time. All our love from our family to yours.
Friday April 15, 2011
Condolence From: Debbie Hynes
Condolence: Our Dear Friends,
Angela, Mark, Eli and Vero - you are never far from our thoughts. But especially now, we send you all of our love so that you can find the strength and courage you need to get through today and the weeks ahead. Please send our love to your mom as well. Looking forward to seeing you this summer.
Deb, PL, Ben, FG and Luc
Montreal, QC
Thursday April 14, 2011
Condolence From: Richard King and Family
Condolence: Pat and Family,
Sorry to hear of Elias's passing. I can still see him ice fishing at Cannings just a few year's ago when myself and the boss would go Ski-Dooing. How he loved his ice fishing. In later years you could always see him out for his walks on the Heights. It will be strange to no longer wave to him on my way home from work, but as long as one is remembered, one is never truly gone. I may not see him walking, but I will know he is there. Please know that we are thinking of you at this time. Rick
Thursday April 14, 2011
Condolence From: Liz and Wanita
Condolence: Dear Angela and family,

Sorry to hear of your Dad's passing. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Liz and Wanita
Wednesday April 13, 2011
Condolence From: Bill and Maureen McLennon
Condolence: Dear Pat and family. Please accept our deepest sympathy. Wish we could be there with you, but please know our thoughts and prayers are there with you. Bill and I remember many times we had lots of laughs with you guys going way back when. Remember the nights we sat around and wondered "what if there was nothing". Remember trying to phone Queen Elizabeth, Pope and the president of the USA? Thank God we never got through. Well, we probably had a couple of drinks by that time. Remember the Hippy Dippy mailman Angela. No, you were to young but we all got a laugh. Anyway we had some great friendship and fun. We love you all.
Wednesday April 13, 2011
Condolence From: Stephanie Bartlett
Condolence: Angela, I was so sorry to hear of the passing of your father. I wish for you that the love and prayers from your family and friends will help you heal during this very difficult time.
Wednesday April 13, 2011
Condolence From: Bud and Ann Marie Marrie and Family
Condolence: We like to offer our deepest sympathy during this time of your sad loss. We are sorry that we cannot be with you at this time but our thoughts and prayers are with you all. May God bless you and give you strength you need at this time.
Wednesday April 13, 2011

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